International Partnerships


Through robust courses from the best pastor-scholars with first-hand experience in serving the Bride of Christ, IRBS UK prepares men to serve churches in the United Kingdom and beyond.

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London Seminary

International Reformed Baptist Seminary (IRBS) is pleased to announce a new cooperative agreement with London Seminary (LS). Qualified graduates from London Seminary will be able to apply much of their coursework toward the IRBS Master of Divinity degree. With a combination of annual classes offered in the United Kingdom, livestreamed classes offered from our virtual classroom in Mansfield, Texas, and several pre-recorded legacy courses, LS graduates will be able to remain in their ministry positions while working toward the IRBS degree.

Founded at the impetus of Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, located in one of the world’s great cities, and with decades of service to Christ and His churches, London Seminary has distinguished itself as a vital instrument in the Lord’s hands. Principal Bill James has stated, “London Seminary trains and equips those who will proclaim the Gospel, preach the Bible, and practice Christlikeness, by in-depth teaching and practical instruction designed and delivered by outstanding preachers and church pastors with decades of experience.”

We are especially pleased to enter into this arrangement and pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will use it for His glory and the spread of His kingdom.

For more information on London Seminary please visit

Contact [email protected] with any questions about the agreement.

Radius International

IRBS is pleased to announce a cooperative agreement with Radius International. Qualified students from Radius will be able to receive advanced standing towards IRBS degrees. We are thrilled to enter into this relationship. 

Radius International is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missions training that will equip cross-cultural workers to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached language groups.

They train singles, couples, and families who are committed to long-term, pioneer church planting among unreached language groups. Radius students acquire spiritual, relational, emotional, and moral maturity, as well as the physical stamina that will enable them to survive the rigors of cross-cultural living.

Now, Radius students can apply what they’ve learned there toward advanced standing in the IRBS MDiv Program. 

For more information on Radius International please visit

Contact [email protected] with any questions about the agreement.

A Welcome from President Renihan

Dear Christian friends,

Welcome to the website for International Reformed Baptist Seminary. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site and learning about what the Lord is doing among us. An internet site cannot convey the warmth we wish to express, so we ask you to receive our words which express a genuine desire for the Lord’s blessing on your life.

IRBS is soon to celebrate its 25th anniversary. For twenty years we existed as an institute affiliated with Westminster Seminary California, and in 2018 developed our programs into a full seminary curriculum in our new location, Mansfield, Texas. We are committed to the infallible and inerrant Word of God, and joyfully subscribe to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, often called the 1689 London Baptist Confession. By God’s grace, our pledges to these documents are strong and firm and will remain so.

The Lord has allowed us to bring together an excellent faculty of pastor-scholars who together seek to honor Christ in their teaching ministries. These are experienced men who shepherd God’s flocks with loving concern. We are united in our devotion to Christ, His Word, our Confession and the task of preparing able ministers of the New Covenant (2 Corinthians 3.6). Each faculty member is available to assist students in their coursework as well as their ministry and personal questions.

Students may enroll in a variety of programs at IRBS, including the standard degree for ministerial preparation, the Master of Divinity, a two-year Master of Arts in Religion, the Certificate of Reformed Baptist Studies, a Diploma program for mature students who do not have a baccalaureate degree, as well as special opportunities for visiting students. Our flexible hybrid programs offer students the opportunity to study on campus as well as virtually in their own homes. Most classes are offered live in the classroom as well as via livestream. We hope that even our distance students will be able to enter into the live classroom experience.

We hope that you will find your visit here to be not only informative, but also the first step in getting to know us better.

May Christ be glorified!

In His name,
James M. Renihan, Ph.D.,