Our Approach
In order for the faith to continue, it is necessary that men be equipped to teach the next generation. The first 60 years of the modern Reformed Baptist movement have provided a solid foundation. We must ensure that the next 60 years move the story forward. There are wonderful opportunities before us.
This seminary is built upon a wealth of knowledge and experience. Over 18 years in other confessional seminary environments, in addition to the traditional academic pursuits, we have witnessed many aspects of administration, been engaged in conversations about curriculum structure & accreditation, and observed various fund-raising methods. We have an extensive set of experienced contacts who enthusiastically support our stand-alone seminary.
We have secured all necessary affiliations for practices in administration, being governed by a Board of Trustees, a President, and other administrators. We employ a faculty consisting of academically qualified men who also have significant pastoral experience (all of whom subscribe to the confessional standard of the Seminary). This combination of scholar-pastors will have a powerful impact on students, and ensure a balanced Biblical training model. The need for a confessional Reformed Baptist seminary is demonstrated by several factors based on foundational scriptural truths: the church must be actively involved in the spread of the Gospel (Matt. 28:18-20); the ascended Christ gives ministerial gifts to His churches (Eph. 4:11) for growth and edification; the Word of God commands Christian ministers to active involvement in the training of their successors (2 Tim. 2:2).
Degree Programs
Master of Divinity
A well-rounded, classical degree that provides the best possible preparation for men entering the ministry.
MA in Religion
A practical degree that gives an understanding of Baptist Confessionalism, Church History, and Theology.
Certificate of Reformed Baptist Studies
The Certificate is a 14-15 hour program designed to supplement previous ministerial studies.
Bachelor of Divinity
This program is intended to provide students an opportunity to study at IRBS who have not yet earned an accredited Bachelor’s degree.
Special Student
Designed for students who do not intend to pursue a degree but would like to take courses for credit. Students may take up to 20 Hours.
Internship Program
Theology must be put to practice in the church. For this reason, IRBS stresses internship with local churches to provide guided growth and experience in pastoral duties.
IRBS has adopted a structured internship program. This will provide detailed guidance to student interns and the elders who oversee their internships. All Master of Divinity and BDiv students will complete supervised ministry activities in 9 categories in order to prepare them for gospel ministry:
- Leading Worship
- Preaching
- Teaching
- Administration
- Visitation
- Counseling
- Evangelism
- Cross-Cultural Ministry
- Mentorship
Meet Our Faculty
It is a priority that all instructors are outstanding scholars and have robust experience as local church pastors. This guarantees a tightly-knit bond between what is taught and what is practiced.

James Renihan, PhD
President, Professor of Historical Theology

Richard Barcellos, PhD
Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology & Director of Publications

Charles Rennie, Drs
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology & Academic Dean

J. Ryan Davidson, PhD
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology & Dean of Students

James Dolezal, PhD
Visiting Professor of Theology

Ian Fuller, PhD
Visiting Professor of Apologetics

Chad Vegas, MA
Lecturer in Missions & Evangelism

Jason Montgomery, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Historical Theology

Ken Puls, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology

Michael Prodigalidad, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology

Samuel Renihan, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Theology

Joshua Henson, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Biblical Languages

Stefan Lindblad, Drs.
Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology

Jeffrey Riddle, PhD
Adjunct Professor of New Testament

Timothy Decker, PhD
Adjunct Professor of New Testament

Tom Hicks, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology

Joshua Wilson, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies

Daniel Scheiderer, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology
Our Trustees
Fred Pugh
Board Chairman
Dr. Stephen Means
G. Frank Strickland
CFO, Top Grade Floors Brunswick, Maine
Jason Walter
Ben Scofield
Nathan White
Michael Prodigalidad
Oliver Allmand-Smith
Robert Cosby
Pascal Denault
Pastor, Reformed Baptist Church of Saint-Jérôme, Saint-Jérôme, Quebec, Canada