Master of Divinity
MDiv Requirements
Total Hours: 110
Language Studies
Exegetical theology
Systematic theology
Pastoral theology
Church History
The Master of Divinity Program is a 110-hour program designed to be completed in residence or via a hybrid academic model, with at least 30 hours of live (in-person or online) teaching, in a minimum of three years.
Exegetical, Systematic, Historical, Practical and Language courses are emphasized to provide the best preparation for men entering the ministry.
- 110 Hours of coursework
- Completion of 200 hours of supervised internship per academic year in a local church
- Payment of all fees and tuition required in the program
- Since IRBS believes in male leadership in the church, the MDiv program will be limited to admitting men only.
- Placement exams are available for those who have taken Hebrew and/or Greek at another educational institution. Placement exams are intended to determine a student’s language skill and establish the appropriate course level for their demonstrated ability. The student’s grade on the exam will be used to decide his level of entry into the language program(s). Please speak to your admissions counselor for more details about taking one of these exams. A failing grade requires entry into Greek I or Hebrew I.
- Exegetical, Systematic, and Practical Theology 600 and 700 level courses require demonstrated competency in Greek and Hebrew.
- Systematic Theology courses should be completed in sequence, as much as class availability makes possible.
- Students may request taking an Exegetical, Practical, or Systematic Theology 700 level course out of sequence. This request must be submitted in writing to the Academic Dean.
- Please speak to your admissions counselor to inquire about transferring classes from another institution.
Fall Term
- LS-G 401 Greek I
- OT 501 Pentateuch
- PT 500 Theology of Ministry
- ST 601 Foundations of Theology
- NT502 Gospels
- ST 500 Foundations of Ministerial & Theological Studies
Winter Term
- AP 501 Foundations of Philosophical Theology
Spring Term
- LS-G 502 Greek II
- ET 501 Hermeneutics
- OT 502 History & Wisdom
- ST 501 Symbolics
- PT 706 Worship
Summer Term
- LS-G 503 Greek III
Fall Term
- LS-H 501 Hebrew I
- CH 601 Ancient Church/Patristics
- ST 602 Doctrine of God
- PT 602 Homiletics I
- PT 603 Preaching Practicum I
- ST 605 Covenant Theology
Winter Term
- PT 604 Missions & Evangelism
- CH 602 Medieval Christianity
Spring Term
- LS-H 502 Hebrews II
- ST 603 Theological Anthropology
- NT 602 Acts & Pauline Epistles
- PT 605 Pastoral Theology I
- PT 606 Preaching Practicum II
- OT 602 Prophets
- CH 610 Puritanism
- CH 603 Reformation
Summer Term
- LS-H 603 Hebrews III
First Semester
- ET 601 Biblical Theology
- ST 701 Christology
- ST 702 Soteriology
- NT 702 General Epistles & Revelation
- CH 701 Modern Church (Baptist)
- PT 703 Pastoral Theology II
Winter Term
- PT 702 Pastoral Counseling
Second Semester
- ST 703 Doctrine of the Church
- ST 704 Eschatology
- PT 704 Homiletics II
- PT 705 Puritan Preaching for Today
- PT 701 Pastoral Administration
- AP 701 Apologetics in Pastoral Ministry
- Elective
* Course Schedule is a general outline based on course availably.